Paradigms: Old Physics – New Physics

Our society’s prevailing paradigm arose from the old, classical physics. This paradigm permeates large areas of our thinking and action, and has brought us to where we are today. Among the basic principles of this way of thinking are: The world is made up of objects. The essence of these objects is matter. Matter is the basis of life.

The future is predetermined through analysis of the past and the present point in time. Even processes of thinking and consciousness are reduced to solely biochemical and biomechanical sequences, which thereby exclude any genuinely creative human capability. This view of reality stands for the (Social) Darwinist theory of the rule of might, which in turn finds expression in egoism and competitive thinking. The prevailing paradigm in our society has its origins in the old, classical physics.

Does modern physics confirm this paradigm or does it suggest a completely different understanding of reality? Celebrated quantum physicist Prof. Hans-Peter Dürr takes a position on this fundamental issue.


Programme Two Paradigms - Old and New Physics as PDF file here



Sir Isaac Newton, Prof. Hans-Peter Dürr und Werner Karl Heisenberg  


Reporting Violence


Today's programme focuses on the fourth event of the "Weltausstellung Prinzenstraße" by the Schauspielhaus Hannover. With their exhibition "Reporting Violence," Pedro Rosa Mendes and Wolf Böwig were the centre of attention.






Panel discussion with Michael Feist and Prof. Hans-Peter Dürr.


What does sustainability mean to an energy provider? What does it mean to a scientist with civic courage? This programme deals among other things with how to answer this central question.


The concept of sustainability originally comes from forestry and means that no more wood is harvested from a forest than is regenerated in the same time period. This way, a sustainable forestry can never be exhausted. This concept was later expanded to other resources and areas. Sustainability can therefore be defined as something that does not limit the space of future solutions, but enhances it instead. The consumption of non-renewable resources can therefore never be sustainable. Thus, sustainability always stands for an ethical, life-promoting principle.


Programme Sustainability as PDF file here



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Michael Feist and Prof. Hans-Peter Dürr